Edmond Chiu,

Manager of IT, WE

Speaking about the impact on beneficiaries that he witnessed while working at WE, Edmond said,

During my time with WE, I witnessed many opportunities I could have or learn from to help build my career path. WE was my first job after graduated from university, I wasn’t experienced. WE gave me the opportunity to develop the skills needed to be in my industry, from technical to management, growing together with WE.

Describing his experience at WE, Edmond said,

Aside from personal experience gained, the working culture attracted me the most. Working at WE is very fun and rewarding, everyone has a same goal in mind—to make a difference and change the world. Everyone is so passionate with their work and everyone is a team player, always willing to help each other no matter what, it is like one big family.

On what has changed during his time at WE, Edmond reflected,

I witnessed a lot of changes during my time at WE, from less than 50 people in one small building to where it is right now, it has changed and grown a lot.

On reflecting on the most memorable impact of his work,

Although I wasn’t working in the front line, but in the back supporting everyone, I always felt like I was part of the accomplishment. Every day at WE is rewarding. I remember the first WE day, I was helping and supporting with the background production—we had never done anything on that scale—on that day, seeing thousands of kids in the stadium and the show went so successfully, that feeling—I was speechless.

*The quotes, pictures, and information provided on this page belong to the noted alumni and WE Charity. We ask that you do not use or reproduce these quotes, pictures, or information without prior written authorization from the alumni or WE Charity. For more information on our employee experience, please contact us anytime at info@WE.org. For more quotes by Marc Kielburger and Craig Kielburger, please visit www.kielburgerquotes.com. Thank you!

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