Tirell Grahlman

ME to WE

I joined WE not knowing what to expect. I’d learned about the WE movement by happenstance and was fortunate enough to be given the opportunity to join the School Engagement Team. Without a doubt, working there was the most rewarding, educational and life-altering thing I’ve done to date. I got to interact with other cultures, learn from incredible people, and feel proud about the work I was doing. Leaving was not easy but the skills, knowledge and confidence I gained while working there will help me continue to positively impact the world.

Getting to work with schools around the world to help them go on life-changing adventures was a challenging and rewarding experience. I’m most proud of the schools and students I helped go on their first ME to WE Trip. Before they left knowing yourself what they were about to experience was exhilarating. Hearing about the trip when they returned always blew away my expectations.

Reflecting on what’s changed since their time at WE, Tirell said,

A lot changes in a dynamic workplace. People come and go, and the challenges are always new. I saw the name change, the logos, the slogans. What didn’t change was the mission to inspire and encourage positive change.

Looking back on their most memorable impact, Tirell noted, It’s hard to narrow it down to just one thing as the work done at WE impacts people positively around the world. The most memorable impact of my work was watching a new person get immersed in the WE movement. Whether that was by going on their first trip, experiencing their first WE Day or just meeting someone at the organization. I continue to watch the growth of the WE movement from outside the organization and the ripple effect of the work will always stick with me.

*The quotes, pictures, and information provided on this page belong to the noted alumni and WE Charity. We ask that you do not use or reproduce these quotes, pictures, or information without prior written authorization from the alumni or WE Charity. For more information on our employee experience, please contact us anytime at info@WE.org. For more quotes by Marc Kielburger and Craig Kielburger, please visit www.kielburgerquotes.com. Thank you!

Interested in working at WE?

We have opportunities open with both WE Charity and ME to WE.