Yohan Mathew

Director of Business Development, Director, Strategic Partnerships, WE

Thinking about their experience at WE and what they were most proud of, Yohan said,

My experience at WE provided me with an incredible learning opportunity that I could not have gotten anywhere else. The trust and responsibility the organization placed in my hands allowed me to gain invaluable exposure and skills that I leverage in my work as a leader of a business unit today. Throughout my time with the organization, I found that the tightly knit culture, strong core values system and passion for innovation in social impact programming was embraced at all levels.

I’ve had the privilege of working at WE in two different roles on separate occasions and, as such, am in the unique position of having seen the organization evolve rapidly over the years. Greater structure, better compensation and more staff—development opportunities seemed to be accelerating as the organization grew from a small group of committed and passionate changemakers to a world-wide force for positive social impact.

I am so proud to have been part of a small but mighty team that launched the WE Day movement with the inaugural event back in 2007. The feeling of seeing thousands of youth come together for the very first time, united by their commitment to making a difference in the world, and knowing that we had just unlocked something incredible, is something I carry with me fondly to this day.

*The quotes, pictures, and information provided on this page belong to the noted alumni and WE Charity. We ask that you do not use or reproduce these quotes, pictures, or information without prior written authorization from the alumni or WE Charity. For more information on our employee experience, please contact us anytime at info@WE.org. For more quotes by Marc Kielburger and Craig Kielburger, please visit www.kielburgerquotes.com. Thank you!

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