Identify your supporting players and champion communication

We all benefit from a sense of belonging. Feeling socially connected reduces stress and promotes mental well-being. But today, especially during times of physical distancing and working from home, while we’re wired for connectivity, we can often feel disconnected from colleagues and family. Below are resources and tools that offer simple ways to foster connections so as to build that sense of belonging. The good news is that you don’t need to do it alone; it truly does take a village. So make sure you stay connected with co-workers, friends, family and your community during this challenging time.

Explore ways you can deepen connections you already have.

Learn ways you can strengthen your support network. 

Acquire techniques that can help you to better get to know and support others.

Understand the importance of nurturing connections.

Get tips on how to deepen conversation through active listening.

Downloadable resources

Printable posters
Printable posters
Printable Posters

Share with your team and post in your office

Printable posters
Printable posters
Printable Posters

Share with your team and post in your office

Activity Cards

Actions team members can take together or individually

Activity Cards

Actions team members can take together or individually

Worksheets, tips and resources

Share on employee communication channels

Worksheets, tips and resources

Share on employee communication channels

Shareable social media graphics

Spread the word with colleagues, family and friends

Shareable social media graphics

Spread the word with colleagues, family and friends

WE Well-being Playbook

Download the Connect chapter.

WE Well-being Playbook

Download the Connect chapter.

Video resources

Billie Eilish on mental health and friendship
Aminé discusses mental health struggles and supporting friends