Part 1/ Silken Laumann and her healing journey

Silken Laumann was reigning world champion in single sculls rowing and a favourite to win Olympic gold when a devastating accident, just 10 weeks before the 1992 Summer Games, shattered her right leg. With fierce drive and single-minded focus, she pushed herself to recover, overcoming pain and adversity to go on to win an Olympic bronze medal and inspire the world with her remarkable story.

But this was only the beginning of Laumann’s healing journey. In Part 1 of this episode, she talks with host Sophie Grégoire Trudeau about her personal struggle with mental health—the emotional turmoil she experienced growing up with a parent with an undiagnosed mental illness and the secret legacy of shame, guilt, anger and self-harm. It was only by having the courage to tell her story, to ask for help and to address her painful past that Silken was able to find healing through the transformative power of self-compassion.

Part 2/ Professor Michael Ungar on building resilience

In Part 2 of this WE Well-being podcast, mental health expert Michael Ungar and host Leysa Cerswell Kielburger explore what makes us resilient. In a new understanding of resilience based on his extensive research, Professor Ungar shows us how we need to move beyond a focus on our own thoughts and behaviours and seek out the people and support systems we need to help us cope during difficult times. Family members, schools, workplaces, communities and social policy all play an important role in creating an environment that nurtures and supports us as we face adversity in our lives.

But this was only the beginning of Laumann’s healing journey. In Part 1 of this episode, she talks with host Sophie Grégoire Trudeau about her personal struggle with mental health—the emotional turmoil she experienced growing up with a parent with an undiagnosed mental illness and the secret legacy of shame, guilt, anger and self-harm. It was only by having the courage to tell her story, to ask for help and to address her painful past that Silken was able to find healing through the transformative power of self-compassion.

WE Well-being tips and actions: How to develop resilience

Michael Ungar’s seven essential resources to provide support when times are tough

Number 01
Number 01

“If you’re going through a really tumultuous time—a relationship is breaking up, someone who is very close to you is ill, you’ve lost a job, you’re having a housing crisis—in those moments, it’s going to be that maintenance of a routine and the accountability that somebody else needs you which is actually going to carry you through that crisis.”

Number 02
Number 02

It’s important to have people in our lives who care. This may be a parent, spouse or caregiver, but can also extend to all kinds of supportive relationships.

Number 03
Number 03

The people around us are able to reflect back the good they see in us, giving us a sense of personal affirmation. Find a supportive place—with your family, at school, in the workplace or community—that lets you show who you are and tells you that you’re valued.

Number 04
Number 04

We all need to feel like we’re in control of our world. Seek out an environment, whether at home or at work, where you can make decisions for yourself and feel empowered by your actions.

Number 05
Number 05

Belonging is a basic human desire. Become part of a community that offers you acceptance and support.

Number 06
Number 06

Looking to the future reminds you that things will get better. Self-reflection—on what you have, who you are and the people who support you—fosters gratitude for all the good things in your life. Try to surround yourself with the people and places that reward positive thinking and encourage you to have hope for the future.

Number 07
Number 07

Support systems help us meet basic needs like financial security and healthcare in times of crisis.

Additional Resources

Featured Guests


Silken Laumann is a four-time Olympian and one of Canada’s most inspirational leaders, a bestselling author, a child and mental health advocate and a life coach. Her Olympic story is legendary and inspirational. As reigning world champion, she fought back from a devastating rowing injury to win a bronze medal in the 1992 Summer Olympics. Laumann speaks candidly about her athletic success and triumph over physical adversity, but also the intense personal challenges of her past and the fierce determination she applies to living a bold, loving and successful life today.


As the Canada Research Chair in Child, Family and Community Resilience and Professor of Social Work at Dalhousie University, as well as a family therapist, Professor Michael Ungar has helped to identify the most important factors that influence the resilience of children and adults during periods of transition and stress. He is the author or 14 books that have been translated into five languages, numerous manuals for parents, educators and employers, as well as more than 135 scientific papers.

Are you experiencing a mental health crisis? Go to the nearest hospital or call 911.

WE Well-being podcasts are not intended as medical advice or treatment and should not be seen as a substitute for therapy or medication. WE Well-being is a program that empowers people of all ages with tools and resources to promote their own well-being and the well-being of their communities.