You can invest directly in a child's potential by providing a secondary school scholarship

 Kisaruni Girls School
 Kisaruni Girls School

Investing in education is key to breaking the cycle of poverty: but so many students don’t have the chance to study beyond primary school. In Kenya, while primary education is free, secondary education remains incredibly costly and largely out of reach. That’s why WE Charity opened the Kisaruni Group of Schools, which now has two main campuses: Milimani and Ngulot. For a total investment of $12,000 or a yearly installment of $3,000, this scholarship provides a child with a fully funded educational experience.

How your scholarship support makes a difference

With your support, learners at the Kisaruni Group of Schools are able to access quality secondary education, empowering them with skills and knowledge to become confident leaders. Learners at Kisaruni are blazing a trail of opportunities and inspiring others to follow in their footsteps, building a bright future for themselves and their communities.

When you fund a scholarship, you will be provided with a profile of the learner you’re supporting, school newsletters and special updates. You may also have the unique opportunity to meet the student you’ve sponsored on a special graduation ceremony trip to Kenya.

Your support helps cover items such as: tuition, room and board, textbooks, school supplies and classroom resources, uniforms, field trips and extracurricular opportunities, mentorship and counseling, leadership programming and teacher training.


Faith Cherop: For every girl’s right

Defying the odds—that is what Faith is all about. Her father told her she couldn’t go to school. Her application was rejected. She was needed at home. But this didn’t deter Faith. Instead, she faced challenges head-on and made her dreams a reality—a true leader by example. This is Faith’s story.


From mentee to mentor

His brother inspired him to go to high school. One year in, Francis is a role model to other young students. Read the full story here.


Meet the Hopper-Dean family

“Something I really admire about the students I have met in Kenya is their ability to live by a philosophy. In North America, we sometimes hear inspirational quotes but rarely do people wholly embrace them as life mottos. At Kisaruni, students live the pillar of ‘being a community’ when they gather to support one another in times of hardship.

“In Milcah, I see the Kisaruni pillar of ‘encouraging active learning’ in her chemistry project for the Science Congress, and the pillar of “promoting leadership” in her confident graduation speech. From Milcah, Kisaruni and Kenya, I bring back a desire to shape my life around my core values: ‘walking the walk’ in addition to ‘talking the talk.’”

— Victoria Hopper-Dean, following her experience on the 2018 Graduation Trip in Kenya

Contact us

Reach out to our team at 1-800-203-9091 x 1112 or

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