Challenge the way you see mental well-being through tackling taboos and frank conversation

Featuring intimate and soul-lifting interviews and conversations, the WE Well-being podcast series is an open-minded discussion that boosts grit and busts stigma around mental health. Hosted by Madame Sophie Grégoire Trudeau and developed to inspire, educate and engage, it will challenge the way listeners think and talk about mental well-being.

In today’s uncertain times of heightened anxiety as we face COVID-19, this special podcast series offers listeners hands-on advice, tools and strategies to foster well-being in all corners of life. Featuring thought-provoking and informative conversations between mental health experts, advocates and celebrities to help empower youth, educators and families with tools to help support their well-being and the well-being of their community.

Access French episodes here.



Overcoming the Negative and Achieving Self-Love

Guests: Tessa Virtue & Megan Popovic

In Part 1 of this episode, Olympic figure skater Tessa Virtue talks with host Sophie Grégoire Trudeau about how she stayed committed to her ideals of health and strength on her path to becoming the best in the world.

In Part 2, Megan Popovic, Director of Athlete Wellbeing and Performance for the Toronto Maple Leaf Hockey Club, life coach and mother of two, shares tips on how parents can help support their kids in building resiliency.



Guests: Silken Laumann & Professor Michael Ungar

In Part 1 of this episode, four-time Olympian Silken Laumann talks with host Sophie Grégoire Trudeau about her personal struggle with mental health—the emotional turmoil she experienced growing up with a parent with an undiagnosed mental illness and the secret legacy of shame, guilt, anger and self-harm.

In Part 2, mental health expert Michael Ungar explores what makes us resilient.


The Importance of Relationships

Guests: Margaret Trudeau & Jean Clinton

In Part 1 of this podcast, Margaret Trudeau shares how having the right support enabled her to navigate some of the most challenging of her life’s ups and downs to create a healthy and happy life. Margaret Trudeau is a Canadian icon, proud mother of Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and respected mental-health advocate.

In Part 2, Jean Clinton, Clinical Professor in the Department of Psychiatry and Behavioural Neurosciences at McMaster University, discusses the role relationships play in brain development.


Social-Emotional Learning

Guests: Spencer West & Kimberly Schonert-Reichl

In Part 1 of this episode, featured speaker and co-host of WE Day Spencer West talks with host Sophie Grégoire Trudeau about resilience, how he has redefined possible and how he supports his own well-being.

In Part 2, psychologist, Kimberly Schonert-Reichl discusses the importance of social connections and supports.


The Power of Kindness

Guests: Esera Tuaolo & Dr. Brian Goldman

In Part 1 of this episode, former NFL defensive tackle Esera Tuaolo talks with host Sophie Grégoire Trudeau about the importance of finding allies. Since coming out as gay in 2002 after retiring from football, he has dedicated his life to helping others and spoken out tirelessly against homophobia and bullying.

In Part 2, veteran emergency room physician Dr. Brian Goldman talks about how a transformative encounter with one patient’s family sent him on a journey to learn more about kindness and empathy.

Podcast Hosts


Sophie Grégoire Trudeau is an activist, mother, and international speaker who has dedicated her work to promoting women's rights and increasing awareness on youth and adult mental health issues. As Ambassador and Ally for WE Well-being, Sophie has spoken at several WE Day events around the world, sharing with audiences her own inspiring story of struggling with an eating disorder and her journey towards self-love.


Leysa Cerswell Kielburger is a faculty member at the Centre for Mindfulness Studies, where she trains educators, health care practitioners, and corporate leaders in mindfulness-based cognitive therapy and stress reduction. She also runs the Centre’s Psychology Aid program for homeless and unstably housed youth. Leysa has taught and worked in North America, Southeast Asia and East Africa. She is completing her PhD in Clinical Psychology, with her research and dissertation focus on mental health care for underserved and marginalized populations. Her first book on strategies for self-care and mental well-being will be published in fall 2019.

Are you experiencing a mental health crisis? Go to the nearest hospital or call 911.

WE Well-being podcasts are not intended as medical advice or treatment and should not be seen as a substitute for therapy or medication. WE Well-being is a program that empowers people of all ages with tools and resources to promote their own well-being and the well-being of their communities.