Emmy Chebet

Nursing Officer, Kenya Office, WE

I will always call WE Charity my home! Always moving with purpose and positivity for the benefit of the community and employees by ensuring a safe and comfortable environment is provided. Provision of basic utilities such as housing, security and water made my life worthwhile and enjoyable. I felt a deep sense of satisfaction seeing clients access quality services close to them at their point of need.

Cooperation and team work were key, and enabled us to be a strong team; this team work enabled me to work at Baraka Hospital in a peaceful environment.

As I work currently with the county government of Bomet, the experience with WE gave me an opportunity to grow holistically.

Rotational schedules that were provided in every department (ex., Maternity, Mother to Child department, Out-patient, In-patient, and community outreaches) added a vast wealth of skills needed in my career. Routinely, making sure we provided quality service, enabled me to be very confident, flexible and responsible. Hence, due to my experience at WE, I have become a role model in my new station since the clients are always happy with the services that I offer! I am who I am today because of WE.

Thanks to my WE family!!!

*The quotes, pictures, and information provided on this page belong to the noted alumni and WE Charity. We ask that you do not use or reproduce these quotes, pictures, or information without prior written authorization from the alumni or WE Charity. For more information on our employee experience, please contact us anytime at info@WE.org. For more quotes by Marc Kielburger and Craig Kielburger, please visit www.kielburgerquotes.com. Thank you!

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