From a small group of teenagers to a globe-spanning organization

Over the past 25-plus years, WE has grown from a group of teenagers to a globe-spanning organization with hundreds of team members in country offices around the world. That exponential growth, combined with the limits of nonprofit resources, has brought its share of human resource complexity. Like so many non-profits, WE acknowledges that our team members work long and hard, for less pay than they could earn in the private sector. That’s why WE continuously strives to create the best possible working environment for our dedicated and passionate team of change-makers.

In order to constantly do better, WE engages independent human resource experts like organizational psychologist Dr. David Baum and HR firm Kinghtsbridge to study and report on our workplace environment and culture. We continually listen to our staff through annual anonymous and independently conducted staff surveys. Through these surveys WE staff themselves have reported that, from 2015 to 2019, compensation has improved 5.33 times, as well as a 2.85-times improvement in work-life balance. In the most recent 2019 survey, 91% of our team members said they are personally connected to our organization’s mission; 96% believe we are making a difference in the world and 78% of WE team members said they love their job.

The organization is deeply focused on strategies to further Diversity and Inclusion (D&I), including in 2020 strengthening our policies such as mandating the use of HR software to limit bias in hiring, and expanding D&I trainings to be required for every department. WE is currently engaged in a D&I Listening Tour of internal and external stakeholders and has engaged a D&I consultant to conduct an independent review of the organization with the purpose of identifying additional actions and policies for further improvements. We are grateful to our diverse and talented team, which includes over one third persons of colour in our Headquarters and the highest leadership position in WE Charity held by an extraordinary woman of colour, Executive Director Dalal Al-Waheidi. The majority of our North American Board of Directors is comprised of people of colour, including Chair of the US Board of Director Dr. Jacqueline Sanders.

And to ensure WE maintains the highest standards for a safe and inclusive workplace, we also call on outside experts to review and evaluate our policies and practices for ensuring employee protection, including preventing and addressing issues such as harassment or sexual harassment. A recent review by Singh Lamarche LLP—a recognized expert in employment law and workplace investigations—found that WE upholds the “gold standard” in its commitment to employee protection and accommodation.

Follow the links below to read independent evaluation reports and case studies about the workplace environment and culture at WE.


Why WE Works
Why WE Works
Commitment to Health and Safety
Commitment to Health and Safety
Knightsbridge HR Report
Knightsbridge HR Report
Dr. David Baum Case Study
Dr. David Baum Case Study
Appiah Law LLP Report
Appiah Law LLP Report
Singh Lamarche LLP Report
Singh Lamarche LLP Report
Learning from WE
Learning from WE
Letter From the Rt. Honourable Kim Campbell
Letter From the Rt. Honourable Kim Campbell
Learning from WE
Learning from WE
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